A little while ago I bought some Pernilla's Journey by Tina Givens because it is such a cute range but I didn't have any fixed plan for it. Well, I came up with the perfect plan for it after seeing
this. I love
Brooke's style! One pair of boring grey curtains from Ikea transformed into stylish (in my opinion) patchwork-y goodness.
Here are some photos of the details. I just love Pernilla on her elephant...
...the sea-horse and the unicorns
and the parrots (cockatoos *giggle* or whatever they're called).
I'm so pleased with how they have turned out. They've transformed our little hallway. Excuse the hideously over-exposed photo.
I have been a productive little soul and finished the
Stripped Pips quilt too. I got a bit over-ambitious when I was free-motion quilting and tried to put some hearts in like our blog header. Let's just say that they need a bit of work.
I filled the middle section with a meandering stipple then did the swirls around the strippy part. It is lovely and light and the back is quite presentable too, though I'm not showing you lot that bit ;)
I made the most of a break in the grey skies to get the obligatory washing line shot.

Finally, I've been instructed to thank all of you lovely people who have been inquiring about Yvonne's well-being. As some of you know she's been feeling very poorly for quite a while now. On Friday she had a long awaited trip to see the Consultant Cardiologist who confirmed that she has a "dicky ticker" (said in best 'Allo 'Allo! voice). It comes as no surprise to us as there is a strong family history of heart disease. Poor old Mum has 3 new medications to take, one of which has made her feel even more vile so Dad confiscated it and insisted she get in touch with the GP for an alternative. It'll be a trip back to the Consultant in the Spring for a progress report (providing nothing changes in the meantime) and decision making about the next step which is likely to be surgery. So now you're all caught up, Yvonne still lurks around here and flickr when she feels well enough but she's not very energetic at the moment. I hope you'll understand the lack of humour and coherence around...my poor brain can't seem to string anything together at the moment. Thanks for bearing with us :) Catch you soon x